電子 レン�?�?機能 フラット テーブル Secrets

Description-ja: X.Org X server -- VMMouse input driver to make use of with VMWare This package supplies the driver for your X11 vmmouse enter gadget. . The VMMouse driver allows aid for your Specific VMMouse protocol that may be provided by VMware virtual machines to give complete pointer positioning. . The vmmouse driver is effective at slipping back again into the conventional "mouse" driver if a VMware Digital equipment just isn't detected.

g. making it possible for all desktop user to query for updates with no entering a password - Aid for media improvements during installation from DVD/CDROM - Assistance for debconf (Debian's bundle configuration technique) - Assistance for attaching a terminal into the underlying dpkg simply call . 本パッケージには aptd スクリプトとデーモンの実行に必要な全データファイルが 含まれます。さらに aptdaemon のコマンドライン版クライアン�?aptdcon スクリプトも含まれます。API はまだ安定していません�?Package deal: aptitude


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Description-ja: RTAS events library growth information This library supplies a set of definitions and practical routines for analyzing RTAS activities, like parsing out sections of the RTAS function and printing their contents.

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Description-ja: C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries) Gtkmm is a C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+, with API Edition 2.4. Gtkmm gives a convenient interface for C++ programmers to generate graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s versatile OO framework.



乾燥する時期に快適な湿度を保つには、加湿器は欠かせない存在です。気化式加湿器は小型で効率的に湿度を調整できる一方、デメリットも存在します。ハイブリッド式はその問 ...

Description-ja: X Rendering Extension customer library (unstripped) The X Rendering Extension (Render) introduces electronic graphic composition as the muse of a new rendering model inside the X Window Technique. Rendering geometric figures is attained by shopper-aspect tessellation into possibly triangles or trapezoids. Textual content is drawn by loading glyphs in the server and rendering sets of them. The Xrender library exposes this extension to X shoppers. . This offer presents an unstripped shared object with debugging symbols, handy to offer a backtrace with image names inside of a debugger; this facilitates interpretation of Main dumps, and aids in finding logic errors in applications making use of this library (or maybe the library alone).


Description-ja: more info X11 keyboard file manipulation library (growth headers) libxkbfile presents an interface to go through and manipulate description documents for XKB, the X11 keyboard configuration extension. . This offer contains the development headers to the library present in libxkbfile1.

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